Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ribelle Boy Goes Off-Island


This is the boat we rode to Arno. It was an hour and fifteen minute ride against the wind. The water was pretty choppy and we were soaked head to toe upon arrival. On the return trip I counted 30 of us on this boat. It cost $13/person to ride each way.

This pig was going on the return ride - ready for market in Majuro.

Nate is hugely amused and bemused when he gets to Arno.

<> This is Nate's view when he looked down in the truck we drove in to our "Bed and Breakfast" (you get a bed and make your own breakfast). Anyway, this is a big hole in the floorboard plugged with a gallon water jug.<><><> 
Checking out a shell - there were lots to be collected

Of course Nate had to climb a coconut tree!

And do a possum routine...

Father and son in Paradise

These are typical houses that are on the island. There are no bathroom facilities and all of the cooking is done outside. The people were all friendly and greeted us with Yokwe.

This tree looked dead except for the beautiful flowers

We had a lovely time  - the snorkeling was amazing! We will definitely go back to Arno!